Lauren Sharp represents award-winning journalists, historians, and academics from the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, top universities, prominent think tanks, and elsewhere.
Sharp graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelors in English, and from the University of Cincinnati with a Masters in English, Creative Writing. Prior to joining Aevitas, she worked as an agent and rights director at ICM/Sagalyn, and interned with the Ross Yoon Agency.
Sharp is based in Washington, DC, and represents nonfiction in the areas of politics, history, current affairs, narrative nonfiction, and science.
Profit and Loss
Mariachi Dreams: A Year of Music, Magic, and Belonging on the Border
Holding Lightning: The Life, Loves, and Art of Whitney Houston
The Black Widow of Hazel Green
Now We See the World Together: Five Midwesterners and the Revolution of Modern Art
America Enslaved: Indigenous Enslavement in the English Atlantic and the United States
Should Kids Play Sports?
Fastest Girl
Truth’s Pilgrim: Walter Lippmann and the Making of U.S. Foreign Policy, 1917-1967
No More Miss America!
Take My Hand, Precious Lord