David Mark Price


David Price's early interest in aviation and military history were fuelled by days exploring deserted RAF airfields in his native Cumbria, leading to a lifelong interest in aviation history. He has been involved in aircraft preservation for over twenty-five years at the Solway Aviation Museum, serving two terms as Chairman. He writes and lectures on aviation and the First World War and is a frequent guide to battlefields.

His first book, A Bomber Crew Mystery, followed the story of two American B-17 crews based in Suffolk in the Second World War.

His highly praised and bestselling The Crew - The Story of a Lancaster Crew was published by Head of Zeus in 2020.

Head of Zeus published his Mosquito Men in 2022.

Head of Zeus / Bloomsbury will publish David Price’s The Greatest Day hour-by-hour account of 15th September 1940 - ‘Battle of Britain Day’  - in 2025.

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