Lilia Giugni


Lilia Giugni is a researcher at the University of Cambridge, a feminist activist, and the co-founder and CEO of the think tank GenPol - Gender and Policy Insights.

A political scientist by training, Lilia holds a doctorate from the University of Cambridge and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Her research, writing and advocacy work cover gender-based violence, women's and LGBTQ+ rights, gender and technology, and gender inequalities in social, economic and political life.

Lilia sits in the advisory board of several feminist charities, social enterprises and activist networks, and regularly contributes editorials, talks, and keynote speeches on gender and social justice issues in the UK, the US, the 'EU bubble', and her native Italy. She is passionate about using research to inform policymaking, social innovation and better economic and organisational practices.

Her first book, The Threat - Everything You Should Know About Technology, Capitalism and Patriarchy was published by Longanesi in Italy and September Publishing in 2022.

The Threat uncovers the intersection between gender, technology and capitalism. It brings readers on a journey that starts with cases of non-consensual pornography in remote Italian provincial towns, and leads them straight into the world's corridors of power, where tech corporations and shrewd politicians capitalise on the suffering of women and marginalised groups. The Threat will throw light on the alarming technology-facilitated exploitation of and violence towards women.

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