Mark Mason


Mark Mason’s non-fiction includes Walk the Lines, for which he walked the entire London Underground system overground ('awesome' - BBC6 Music; 'an extraordinary odyssey' - Robert Elms), and The Importance of Being Trivial, a look at why we’re fascinated with trivia ('an irresistibly hapless charm' - The Guardian ; 'I loved the book' - Richard and Judy).

Mark has written for most national newspapers, as well as magazines from The Spectator to Four Four Two via The Oldie. He has also addressed the nation on many radio and TV networks, occasionally on subjects he knows something about.

His Move Along Please: Land's End to John O'Groats by Local Bus, was praised by Steve Wright as 'a good source of factoids, I'm thinking'. Mason is also the author of the Bluffer’s Guide to Bond and the Bluffer’s Guide to Football. Orion published his book on postcodes Mail Obsession in 2015 and Question Time on our national craze for quizzes in 2017. His The Book of Seconds on the glorious (or inglorious) individuals from history who came second was published by Orion in 2018.

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